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5 hours ago

Many ovarian and breast cancer patients experience vaginal dryness, because cancer treatment can cause a premature pause on estrogen production. Estrogen is responsible for keeping the vaginal wall elastic and moisturized, so a lack of estrogen can lead to vaginal dryness.

RepaGyn® is a non-hormonal vaginal moisturizer that helps promotes healing of vaginal mucosa.

Learn about the connection between vaginal dryness and certain cancers by visiting repagyn.ca/patient-information/vaginal-dryness-cancer/

Available at Amazon, Well.ca and Pharmex Direct (links in bio).
#mississaugaontario #mississauga #ontariocanada #ontariomoms #canadianwomen #VaginalHealth #vaginahealth #vaginalcare #womenshealth #womenshealthmatters #womenshealthcare #womenshealthtips #healthandwellnessjourney #healthandwellnesstips #hydration #hydrationiskey #healingjourney #healingtools #menopause #menopausesupport #menopauserelief #menopausehealth #menopauseawareness #menopausehelp #VaginalDrynessRelief #vaginahealthtips
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Many ovarian and breast cancer patients experience vaginal dryness, because cancer treatment can cause a premature pause on estrogen production. Estrogen is responsible for keeping the vaginal wall elastic and moisturized, so a lack of estrogen can lead to vaginal dryness.

RepaGyn® is a non-hormonal vaginal moisturizer that helps promotes healing of vaginal mucosa.

Learn about the connection between vaginal dryness and certain cancers by visiting https://repagyn.ca/patient-information/vaginal-dryness-cancer/

Available at Amazon, Well.ca and Pharmex Direct (links in bio).
#MississaugaOntario #Mississauga #OntarioCanada #OntarioMoms #CanadianWomen #VaginalHealth #VaginaHealth #VaginalCare #WomensHealth #WomensHealthMatters #WomensHealthCare #WomensHealthTips #HealthAndWellnessJourney #HealthAndWellnessTips #Hydration #HydrationIsKey #HealingJourney #HealingTools #Menopause #MenopauseSupport #MenopauseRelief #MenopauseHealth #MenopauseAwareness #MenopauseHelp #VaginalDrynessRelief #VaginaHealthTips

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3 days ago

Has vaginal dryness been getting in the way of your hobbies?

It's not just you - according to a 2009 survey published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine aimed at examining international differences in the prevalence of vaginal dryness, over 20% of Canadian women surveyed between the ages of 50-65 indicated that they "always" or "usually" experienced vaginal dryness.*

Find relief so that you can get back to enjoying your day.
RepaGyn® is a non-hormonal vaginal moisturizer that helps relieve vaginal dryness and promotes healing of vaginal mucosa.

Buy Now from Amazon, Well.ca or Pharmex Direct (links in bio). Visit www.repagyn.ca to learn more.

... Voir plusVoir moins

Has vaginal dryness been getting in the way of your hobbies?

Its not just you - according to a 2009 survey published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine aimed at examining international differences in the prevalence of vaginal dryness, over 20% of Canadian women surveyed between the ages of 50-65 indicated that they always or usually experienced vaginal dryness.*

Find relief so that you can get back to enjoying your day.
RepaGyn® is a non-hormonal vaginal moisturizer that helps relieve vaginal dryness and promotes healing of vaginal mucosa.

Buy Now from Amazon, Well.ca or Pharmex Direct (links in bio). Visit www.repagyn.ca to learn more.


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